10 Best Sci-Fi Noirs to Stream in April on Netflix, Prime & More

Though film noir is one of the best genres in Hollywood history, ripe with chilling plots and dangerous femme fatales, not many modern fans pay much attention to it because it looks a bit dated in all its black and white glory, putting off casual moviegoers.
However, even if you're a bit put off by the look and setting of classic noir, but still want to check out some of the similar movies, there's just one solution for you - sci-fi noir. Yes, such an impressive mix of very different genres does exist, and it actually contains a lot of wonderful movies!
Here are 10 of the best sci-fi noirs:
While the idea of mixing a noir story with a sci-fi setting may sound ridiculous to some, these two genres actually complement each other quite well, as noir's penchant for suspense is heightened by the strange sci-fi characters and stories.
The plots of the above films are truly unexpected and unique, and you will not only get a taste of classic noir, but you may even understand it better, as sci-fi noir is certainly much more relevant today than the original black and white films!
Don't sleep on sci-fi noir, as it is one of the most original and groundbreaking genre mixes Hollywood has ever seen.