10 Most Rewatchable Episodes of Supernatural, Ranked

10 Most Rewatchable Episodes of Supernatural, Ranked
Image credit: The CW

Despite being best known for its overarching biblical plot revolving around the Whinchesters' brothers Sam and Dean, "Supernatural" was never really about the main storyline, as the monster-of-the-week formula the show borrowed from "X-Files" stayed with the show from its first season to its last.

Only a small fraction of the show's episodes actually affected the main storyline, and that was not bad at all! After all, the fans got impressive stand-alone stories on a weekly basis, and some of them were actually quite ingenious, even if they were inferior to the lives of Sam and Dean.

Here are the most unforgettable standalone episodes of "Supernatural ", ranked:

As you've probably noticed, all of the episodes on this list sound incredibly unique, sometimes even more interesting than the main plot of the show. And that's not really surprising.

It's much easier for the writers to come up with endearing storylines that last for a single episode than it is to write long arcs that could end seasons from the moment they first appear.

Working on the episodes mentioned above, the writers clearly didn't hold back on the imagination, using the boldest ideas to make the monster-of-the-week format really work.

And they succeeded, didn't they?