10 Plot Lines That Ruined Supernatural Long Before Season 15

Forget the infamous 'Despair' twist that landed with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, derailing character arcs like a train skidding off its tracks.
'Supernatural ' did this to us one too many times long before that cursed Season 15 finale.
In the labyrinthine journey of 'Supernatural,' there were plot lines that veered so far off the beaten path, they could have used a map and a compass.
There were just too many twists and turns that seemed less like clever storytelling and more like a writer's room throwing darts at a board of ideas.
By the time we hit the later seasons, some story arcs felt like they were stitched together on a bumpy road trip, leaving viewers wondering if the GPS had lost signal somewhere between heaven, hell, and all stops in between.
Characters who once had the depth and intrigue of a shadowy alley were flattened to the dimensions of a pancake, trotted out with motivations so thin, they could slip under a locked door.
And as for consistency, those plot lines treated it like a speed limit sign on an abandoned highway – merely a suggestion, easily ignored as they barreled towards a destination that, by the end, few could find on a map of logical storytelling.