10 Worst Things Harry Potter Did in the Books

Harry Potter is known as the ultimate good guy. The protagonist of the series (which also bears his name) it's no wonder people view Harry as the perfect hero.
However, as with every teenager, Harry Potter was often moody, entitled, arrogant and ungrateful.
On top of his general snarkiness and lack of effort put toward his studies, we have a list of the 10 worst things Harry Potter did in the books.
Flashing the Family Status
In the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry catches the bug immediately after inheriting his parent's wealth and reputation. During his initial journey to Hogwarts, he ends up in a compartment with Ron.
Coming from a poorer family, the young Weasley is unable to buy snacks from the treat cart. He instead has a boring homemade snack stuffed inside a bag.
Harry, having just strolled out of Gringotts with stacks for days, buys up the entire lot. Some fans argue that it is a nice gesture to Ron.
Others feel that Harry trying to "show up" a kid from economic instability is an attempt to appear larger than life. Also, the children that actually knew of their powers, were probably waiting for years to see some chocolate frogs.
Unforgivable Curses
Harry Potter actually made use of an Unforgivable Curse, not once, but twice in the novels. During a duel with Bellatrix, he attempts the Cruciatus Curse, with varied results.
It did not fully work as you have to truly hate someone to inflict it upon them. The second was when he was breaking into Gringotts.
He used the Imperius curse to control Travers, who entered the bank with them, and Bogrod, the goblin who was guiding them to Bellatrix's vault.
Regardless if he truly hated someone or not, he attempted to use those curses. Doesn't seem like the moral-saint he likes to portray, does it?
Using Snape's Potion Notes
The deliberate use of Snape's notes which no other students had access to is an example of cunningness working in Harry's favor.
He gained a competitive advantage by essentially stealing another's property. The largest issue fans have with this is that Harry passes the work off as his own.
He shows no remorse or second-guessing of himself. It is a primary example of his lack of care for the subject matter he was being taught. To him it was simply a game.
He Hooked Up With His Best Friend's Sister
With the status Harry built up throughout the series, he could have shacked up with hundreds of women in the wizarding world.
But, Harry chose to break one of the sacred rules of the "bro code" and slide into Ginny's arms. It's no secret that Ginny is awesome and brings out the best in Harry.
But come on, getting together with your best friend's little sister is distasteful on all levels.
He's an Utter Buzzkill at the Yule Ball
The Goblet of Fire, on most accounts, is a paradise for teenage drama.
One of the defining moments is the Yule Ball. Harry had wanted to ask out his crush, but soon learned she had already entered a relationship with a sixth-year Hufflepuff.
Ginny Weasley also had a date, so he reluctantly asked Parvati Patil and sulked in sadness at the first Yule Ball in over 100 years. His date ended up bored, offended, and embarrassed by Harry's rude behavior. Talk about self-righteousness!
Killing Professor Quirrell
Yes, it had to be done; he did have the dark lord residing on the back of his head! However, Potterheads feel the willingness to kill Quirrell, despite it being Voldemort that was controlling him, was too much.
For an eleven-year-old to let all hell break loose in an attempt to score a two-in-one, with no hesitation, is both gutsy and wrongful at the same time. Fans feel that some effort could have been made to save the professor.
Sneaking Around
Fans argue that the motives behind Harry sneaking around are for the greater good. That being said, the number of times he dons the cloak of invisibility is condemnable.
The sole purpose of his cloaked journeys is to avoid getting caught as well as circumvent obstacles in his way. To some, it may seem insignificant, but Harry's fondness for this method of investigation is better suited for a Slytherin.
Saying Voldemort's Name
Harry's arrogance was put on full display when he uttered Voldemort's name after being explicitly warned not to by Ron. Some fans have risen to the boy's defense, stating he was not a coward.
A majority of them, however, feel that the lack of care taken while repeatedly abusing his name shows zero respect for his peers. He holds himself higher above everybody else.
Reading Snape's Mind
During the Occlumency lessons with Snape, Harry decides to ignore him and invade his mind. He uses all the knowledge garnered from the lessons to go against Snape and look at his memories.
This does backfire as Harry learns of how his father bullied Snape as a child. It was a terrible and immoral thing to do since Snape was sincerely trying to help him.
Potterheads agree that Harry deserved to have the image of his father slightly tarnished, and at that moment, it felt good to see.
When Harry decided to rip out a Sectumsempra spell, he had no clue what the spell meant or did. To him it was simply gibberish on a page.
To test it, he used the spell on Draco Malfoy and almost killed him in an instant. Had he not managed to summon some form of medical assistance, Draco would have bled to death.
The ruthlessness exhibited by Harry is what makes this one of his worst moments. He didn't care about Draco's wellbeing in any capacity.
Fans can deny it all they want – but Harry wanted to inflict some pain or even death upon Malfoy. Why else would he cast an unknown spell on him?