10/10 Fan Idea for a James Bond Movie That's Better Than Anything Eon Can Make

Someone has dreamt up the perfect 007 film, and Eon Productions seriously needs to take notes.
James Bond 26 is one of the most anticipated movies at the moment, and yet no one knows anything about it. There's no replacement for Daniel Craig, no trailer (not even a release date for one), and no plot details. Still, everyone is excited about a new Agent 007 adventure.
While Eon Productions is still figuring out who is worthy of the job at hand, fans are busy obsessing over an awesome idea for a Bond film that has recently resurfaced on Instagram.
Imagine if the new 007 installment is completely star-studded, but no one has any idea who is playing James Bond until the very end because it has never been revealed in real life and the famous agent is undercover throughout the entire movie. According to the owner of the crazy dream, the plot twist is that Bond is actually portrayed by Leslie Jones, who is known for her work on Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters.
While the idea first originated five years ago, back when a female James Bond seemed unthinkable, it doesn't sound so far-fetched now. After all, 2021's No Time to Die toyed with the concept – with Lashana Lynch's character.
However, the execs have repeatedly said that the next Bond will be male, British, and over 40 years old, so Leslie Jones' take on the iconic character may have to wait until the incarnation after the next one (at least).
Still, the idea of audiences not knowing who plays 007 has gained traction among fans for a reason. People have been saying for years that the modern film industry gives too much away.
Marketing campaigns in the age of streaming have adapted to the viewers' curiosity – casting decisions are announced months or years prior to the release, trailers hold nothing back, and actors spill all the juicy details in interviews.
Releasing an installment of a major franchise like James Bond without telling audiences in advance who is playing the titular character would be a huge game changer, and people might be ready for it.
Fingers crossed that the next Bond movie will remain a mystery for as long as possible.