11 Best Netflix Mini-Series of 2023 to Stream This Month

Looking for some bite-sized fun this month to binge in one evening and just feel entertained without the need to commit to a huge series?
Then go to Netflix: it has these 11 short shows to sate your cravings.
Mini-series have carved a niche for themselves by being able to relay the story in a condensed but still very smartly paced format.
The runtime of a short show can be the same as for a regular theatrical release, but the way the episodes are divided provides the viewers with some natural-looking breaks between the parts of the story, making the whole narrative seem more tightly structured.
Sometimes these breaks are used to shift the point of view from one character to another and offer a glimpse that wasn't mentioned yet but adds a lot of extra details to the picture — you can see that in The Painkiller.
The way the stories of different people start intermingling in the process is also quite exciting. That type of short format series is usually self-contained so you don't have to have some knowledge of previous works or wait for a sequel — and that feeling is extremely freeing in our days of interconnected media.