
15 Clever Easter Eggs in Spielberg Movies Only Hardcore Fans Noticed

15 Clever Easter Eggs in Spielberg Movies Only Hardcore Fans Noticed
Image credit: Universal Pictures, Warner Bros.

There's no better feeling than noticing a well-hidden Easter egg in a movie you love, grasping the hidden meaning while thousands of people saw right through it and missed it.

In modern Hollywood, easter eggs have become a staple of major blockbusters like the ones the MCU and DCEU churn out every three months or so, but that doesn't mean that more auteur filmmakers aren't using easter eggs to their advantage.

Here are 15 clever Easter eggs hidden in Steven Spielberg movies:

Yes, almost every Speilberg movie contains an easter egg in one form or another, no matter how serious it might be. It seems that the filmmaker just loves to put little details in his movies for his fans to find, sometimes even compromising the realism of the movie just to please his followers.

And who can blame him? Spielberg plants his Easter eggs with such care that the unobservant viewer has no chance of even noticing them, and the people who do usually don't mind being pulled out of their immersion, especially if it means sharing a laugh with the director over well-hidden Easter eggs.

Did you manage to spot any of Spielberg's Easter eggs before reading this list?