15 Period Dramas That Aren't as Dreary as 'Outlander'

15 Period Dramas That Aren't as Dreary as 'Outlander'
Image credit: Starz

Here's the perfect antidote to that 'Outlander' blues, offering a lighter, brighter look at the past.

Some might think that period dramas are the comfort food of the cinematic world. But let's face it, sometimes the brooding skies and tear-streaked faces of shows like 'Outlander ' can be a bit... well, heavy. Fear not, dear reader, because we've scoured the annals of film history to bring you 15 period dramas that swap the drear for sheer entertainment.

Imagine a world where corsets don't equal constraints and horse-drawn carriages lead to adventures, not just brooding journeys across rain-lashed landscapes. From the sun-drenched hills of pastoral landscapes to the glittering courts of ancient empires, these dramas are as much about the joy and laughter of the times as they are about the trials and tribulations.

So, prepare to be whisked away to times gone by without the usual side of melancholy. Whether you're a history buff or just in the mood for a good story well told, these films are sure to delight, entertain, and maybe, just maybe, put a little pep in your historical step.