15 TV Shows Over 100 Episodes Perfect for Binge-Watching

If you want to fully immerse yourself into a show then those that have only one or two seasons won't work — they're just not long enough.
But thankfully, there are plenty of series that have more than 100 episodes that you can easily binge without feeling strained.
A good thing about these long shows is that you can portion your binging. They were designed to be devoured in that way, so they have some nicely wrapped-up story arcs that you can finish, say, over a weekend and then start the other one next week.
No one's gonna stop you from devouring everything over the course of that week, though, because, again, these shows are designed like that. In a short series, every episode has to move the plot forward and have substance.
Longer series are crafted with casual viewing in mind, where missing some bits won't impact your understanding of the general plot line and won't make it less enjoyable. So you can put on, for example, Star Trek: The Next Generation while you're cooking and not bother pausing it while your blender works, or you can work out with it in the background. Or you can just watch it.