20 Best Political Shows to Stream on Netflix After Vikings

Even though most people think of "Vikings" as just another period drama, full of huge battles and period costumes (and they're not wrong), this iconic show is actually much closer in spirit to House of Cards than, say, Outlander.
The sheer amount of political intrigue these ancient Vikings indulge in could easily put even Washington bigwigs to shame, and the writers have made sure to make the show feel as real as possible, giving fans a chance to learn more about the inner workings of Viking clans.
Here are 20 of the best political shows to stream on Netflix after "Vikings":
Even though "Vikings" is obviously a historical show first and foremost, we decided against picking only historical political series for this list, because the notions of intrigue, bribery, and political assassination are just as present in today's world as they were a thousand years ago.
If you loved the political aspects of "Vikings," you'll surely enjoy the projects mentioned above, as each and every one of them skillfully dissects the world of great power, leaving no stone unturned and no myth about those in power left standing.
Netflix has accumulated quite a selection of political shows over the years, right?