3 Genius Solutions Fans Found to Supernatural's Dumbest Plot Holes, Ranked

3 Genius Solutions Fans Found to Supernatural's Dumbest Plot Holes, Ranked
Image credit: The CW

Hunters are traditionalists, and nothing demonstrates that more than their archaic tools and methods for monster killing. Let's talk about how we can do better, shall we?

Over the course of 15 seasons, we have seen some dumb choices that the Winchesters themselves made. Reddit fans are suggesting alternatives, and some of them just make sense.

Here are the top three modernized weapons to take with you on a hunt.

3. Salt Circles 2.0 (Now Wind-Proof)

Hunters have always had trouble getting their salt to stick in the moment of crisis. All a ghost or hellhound has to do is create a little wind, and (surprise, surprise) the circle won't hold anymore.

It would be much smarter to fill a hula hoop with salt and just confuse the hell out of the monsters. Maybe Gen Z hunters are doing it?

Imagine seeing this every other episode. Supernatural would never end.

2. Reachable Weapons for Any Occasion

Remember how the Winchesters always lose their guns at the worst possible moment? The monsters can snatch them out of their hands in no time.

Well, there is a solution: you can put your weapons on a bungee. That way, they will always come back to you. This plan can backfire if the gun just hits you right in the face, but it's the price to pay.

3 Genius Solutions Fans Found to Supernatural's Dumbest Plot Holes, Ranked - image 1

1. Fighting Ghosts Can Be Stylish

If hula-hooping or bungee guns are not your style, you can always make things easier. Wear some iron rings and punch that ghost into the afterlife.

This weapon has its advantages: it's much harder to knock a ring off your finger than a gun, and you can still look stylish while hunting. Seems legit and logical, right?

We bet we've made your life as an aspiring monster hunter a bit more manageable. Remember, you can be innovative with your weapons (you don't have to blindly follow the Winchesters' example – they are not perfect, after all).

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Source: Reddit