3 Times Harry Potter Movies Actually Did Ron Weasley Some Justice

Potterheads may not agree on many things, but the fact that movie Ron is not as good as book Ron is not one of them!
The Harry Potter movies should be regarded as a separate creative work in many ways – or at least that is what we tell ourselves to keep our angry inner fans from writing David Yates hate messages at 3 in the morning.
It is safe to say that Ron's main role in the movies is not Harry's best friend, but rather his comedic relief. His best lines and actions from the books are given to Hermione and the other characters. Is there any good stuff left?
Apparently, there is. Let's talk about the three times Ron is his old book self in the movies (and no, it is not just the "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?" moment we all love).
When Ron Pulls a Harry Potter
Throughout the books (and the movies), Harry is the bravest one, always willing to put others first and sacrifice himself for the greater good – being the Chosen One will do that to anyone.
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Ron pulls a total Harry when he sacrifices himself during the chess game so that Harry and Hermione can go on and stop Snape (as they believe at the time).
If you really think about it, Ron in the first two movies is more like book Ron than in all the others combined. Chris Columbus, we see you and we appreciate you!
When Ron Stands Up for His Best Friend
Though Ron's comedic side blossoms in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, there is one moment that shows us his true Gryffindor self. Or the Hufflepuff one? After all, loyalty is their most cherished trait. We digress.
Remember when brainwashed Seamus basically attacks Harry in the middle of the Gryffindor common room?
Usually quick to pick a fight, Ron acts sensible and basically plays Switzerland between Harry and Seamus while simultaneously giving everyone the impression that if they say anything else to Harry, they will have to talk to Ron first. Bravo!
When Ron Stops Harry from Being Harry
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, after the disaster of an escape operation Harry decides to go on the Horcrux quest alone, leaving Ron and Hermione behind. Such a smart guy can be so dumb sometimes…
Ron sees his best friend and prevents him from taking off in the middle of the night.
After Harry comes to his senses (at least partially), he suggests that Ron join him, to which the latter replies, "And leave Hermione? Are you mad? We wouldn't last two days without her… Don't tell her I said that."
That is such a book Ron moment – protecting Harry and recognizing how important Hermione's skills are.
Movie or book, we love our feisty King just the same.
It is awesome that even in the movies some of his greatest scenes are spared, and we get to see him in all his Gryffindor glory.