5 Best Doctor Who Christmas Specials for Those Tired of Home Alone on a Loop

5 Best Doctor Who Christmas Specials for Those Tired of Home Alone on a Loop
Image credit: BBC One

It’s a shame Kevin McCallister never encountered any aliens.

For many people, the Christmas season is strongly associated with childhood memories. Filled with excitement about all the presents we were about to get, we could almost feel magic in the air and the presence of something mysterious.

No wonder there’s nothing that hits like good old family TV during this time of the year.

However, if you are looking for something new that may or may not include a Christmas-themed adventure with a sci-fi element to it, you have to check out these five Doctor Who Christmas specials below.

5. The Snowmen

The episode begins on a rather dramatic note, with the Doctor deciding to travel alone, which, as we all know, is never a good idea. However, the fairytale atmosphere of the Victorian England setup and the introduction of the new and mysterious young woman in the Doctor's life named Clara make up for the dark beginning.

4. The Husbands of River Song

Sadly, even the greatest journeys must come to an end, and this episode wraps up the arc of River Song, one of Moffat's greatest characters. It ties up all the loose ends and tells the story of how the Doctor and River ended up on Darillium, where they spent their last night together listening to the Singing Towers.

3. The Christmas Invasion

Though Whovians are still debating whether or not this episode was a good introduction of the Tenth Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant, the episode was certainly a lot of fun. The revived Doctor Who started its Christmas special series with a bang. Where else would you see a Christmas tree trying to kill a person?

2. The Runaway Bride

With Doctor Who's tradition of either introducing a new companion or wrapping up the story of the current Doctor, this particular episode fits the bill. This time, viewers meet Donna Noble, who would go on to become one of the show's most popular companions.

1. Twice Upon a Time

This is one of the most well-crafted Doctor regeneration stories ever to air on the BBC, partly due to the appearance of David Bradley's First Doctor. The trip to the Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War I allowed a real historical event to tie the story together nicely.