5 Best Henry Cavill's Roles Ever, Ranked (No Superman or Witcher)

5 Best Henry Cavill's Roles Ever, Ranked (No Superman or Witcher)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The general public knows Cavill for two roles of his: Superman and Geralt or Rivia. It's about time we fix it: here are the actor's top-5 other roles!

Lately, for most people Henry Cavill 's name is associated with the two dramatic forced exits of his.

No one knows all details about what really happened between the actor and the previous management of DC, or between him and The Witcher 's showrunners, but the guesses are plentiful.

Still, as an amazing performer, it's not right that many overlook Henry's other roles when it comes to the discussion.

Here are Henry Cavill's five best performances ever — excluding Superman and the Witcher.

5. Charles Brandon (The Tudors)

Cavill's Charles Brandon is an outstanding and charming nobleman who happens to be one of King Henry VIII's closest allies.

Despite such proximity to the King, Brandon finds himself struggling with internal conflicts: realizing where his loyalties truly lie and what he's ready to do for them.

Portraying Brandon's conflicted and multilayered nature looks easy when Henry Cavill does it, but it's a testament to the actor's skills and understanding of people.

5 Best Henry Cavill's Roles Ever, Ranked (No Superman or Witcher) - image 1

4. Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes)

Often recognized for putting his own spin on iconic characters, Henry did that to Sherlock Holmes, too.

While most other interpretations of the legendary detective show him as a cold, rational, and distant man, Cavill's Holmes is an actual human being.

This Sherlock is kind, warm, and empathetic — which still doesn't take away his brilliance and sharp mind. An unexpected but welcome twist on the character that seemed too well-explored by then.

3. August Walker ( Mission: ImpossibleFallout )

August Walker is the kind of guy you would call "stranger danger" but won't have enough time to finish the phrase.

This rogue CIA agent made the movie all the more unpredictable and scary, but Henry Cavill added more to the role than his acting skills and raw physical power.

The actor changed Walker's appearance a bit to better suit the character, and even added the now-iconic moustache that wasn't planned before.

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2. Captain Syverson (Sand Castle)

Though largely perceived as such, Henry Cavill's acting range is far beyond your average movie tough guy. His Captain Syverson showcases the actor's phenomenal ability to portray deep and nuanced characters.

Surrounded by the chaos and brutality of the war in Iraq, Captain Syverson stands incredibly complex and humane, sometimes appearing to be the only real thing in the surreal nightmare around him.

1. Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.)

Probably Cavill's third most popular role, Napoleon Solo is incredibly charming, witty, capable, and outstanding in every possible way.

Henry's most renown spy agent by far came out all too perfect — and became the reason why so many people wish for the actor to become the next James Bond.

His Napoleon Solo is literally everything you want from a dramatic and charismatic secret agent, so no wonder he became one of Cavill's best-known characters.

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