5 Best Seinfeld Episodes If You Never Knew Where To Start

5 Best Seinfeld Episodes If You Never Knew Where To Start
Image credit: Legion-Media, NBC

Seinfeld is not Friends. It's better.

The main problem with Seinfeld is that the show gets off to a slow start in the first 10-15 episodes. Because of this long introduction, new viewers usually stop watching.

If you want to get acquainted with the sitcom, but are afraid of being disappointed in the first few seasons, we have selected 5 not the best, but exemplary episodes that give a full picture of the legendary show.

1. The Limo – Season 3 Episode 19

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Episodes of Seinfeld are either about "nothing" or about something unique and incredible. The Limo falls into the second category: it is a story about the consequences of the characters' outrageous and arrogant behavior.

Jerry and George, who have returned to New York, decide to use a limousine at the airport — one of them pretends to be a passenger whose driver is waiting at the exit with a piece of paper and who has definitely missed his flight to New York. Eventually they realize that the ride was booked for the leader of a neo-Nazi organization, and no one knows what he looks like.

2. The Pick – Season 4 Episode 13

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The Pick rarely appears on lists of the show's best episodes, but it's a great example of a sequence in which four arcs intertwine in a funny way and, most importantly, work brilliantly.

The premise is absurd: a supermodel Jerry went on a date with sees him scratching the side of his nose, but mistakes it for picking and leaves him. Elaine is busy sending Christmas cards to friends and family when she notices that her nipple is visible in the photo.

The episode also works well as an introduction to Kramer, Jerry's eccentric neighbor who always gets into trouble.

3. The Outing – Season 4 Episode 17

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The Outing is considered one of the most important and innovative episodes in TV history because of the way the creators handled the subject of homosexual relationships, which was mostly ridiculed at the time.

Elaine notices that a woman is eavesdropping on the friends' conversation in a coffee shop, and decides to play a prank on her, talking about how difficult life is for George and Jerry because they hide their relationship from everyone.

The woman turns out to be a journalist who is supposed to interview Jerry Seinfeld that very day. His ambiguous answers convince her that Seinfeld is a closeted gay man. Of course, she cannot help but publish such a sensation.

4. The Marine Biologist – Season 5 Episode 14

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The Marine Biologist is a great introduction to George, the absolute worst character on the show in terms of morality – a neurotic, and a pathological liar.

In fact, the latter becomes the plot of the episode. In order to woo a former college acquaintance, George convinces her that he works as a marine biologist. The lies are put to the test when, on a beach date, they come across a dying whale in need of expert help.

5. The Sponge – Season 7 Episode 9

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This episode is worth watching to get to know the fourth character, Elaine, Jerry's ex-girlfriend, a selfish careerist, ready to do anything for her own gain. This episode raised not the most comfortable and even taboo topic – female contraception.

Elaine learns that the company that makes her favorite contraceptive sponges is going out of business, so she buys the last box and begins meticulously selecting potential sexual partners.

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