5 Burning Mysteries Severance Season 2 Must Solve (Or We'll Start Making Stuff Up)

Why do workers group numbers? Who was Irving's father? And what do the goats mean?
Severance starts as a leisurely slow burner, but then picks up the pace like a ticking bomb. With so many well-thought-out details and nuances laid out on the show's surface, the mysteries multiply and keep the intrigue alive.
With the bulk of Season 2 still to come, here are some of the most intriguing questions left unanswered in the first chapter and the January 17 premiere episode.
Are Innies Capable of Using Their Outies' Skills?
When Irving was inside Lumon, he admitted he couldn't drive. However, when he was outside the office, he discovered skills that obviously belonged to his other "outer" half – the man got behind the wheel of the car and easily managed to control it.
Does this mean that innies can, under certain conditions, use the experience and skills of outies? And does it mean that outies can, if necessary, use the skills acquired by their "inner" halves?
How Is Irving's Father Connected to Lumon?
Another major arc in Season 2 will likely revolve around Irving's father. At home, Irving discovers a number of details that link his father to the Navy on the one hand, and to Lumon Industries on the other.
It also appears that Irving's outie is a longtime anti-corporate fighter, or even a "mole" embedded within the company – he seems to be collecting information on past and present employees, and is likely working to extract and reprogram chips. Is this somehow connected to Irving's father?
What Does the Macrodata Refinement Division Work On?
While the Season 1 finale solved many mysteries, it failed to answer one of the most basic and obvious questions: what exactly are Mark and his team doing at their desks in the Macrodata Refinement division?
Viewers have made dozens of guesses about what the numbers sorted at Lumon mean, some of them quite reasonable, some of them so fantastic that they're unlikely to be true.
Redditor ybneyk suggested several years ago that the numbers are being used to completely digitize human consciousness. Another user nicknamed basemann44 theorized that the company is programming the innies' minds so that they will unquestioningly do what their superiors tell them to do outside the office.
But the main point is that the show creators did not reveal this detail. Either the numbers are completely insignificant, or their significance is so great that we will have to wait a long time before this secret is revealed.
Is Ms. Casey Being Kept in the Dungeon Permanently?
The last time we see Ms. Casey (aka Gemma) in Season 1, she's getting into an elevator that goes even deeper underground. This elevator apparently holds some painful memories for Irving, as his outie keeps drawing a hallway, doors, and red lights in his paintings.
Fans speculate that Lumon keeps innies whose outer halves have "died" in the lower levels of the office complex. Since Gemma is presumed dead outside of Lumon, her innie is apparently forced to remain inside the building 24/7.
What's Going On in the Goat Room?
A room in which a man in a suit feeds milk from a bottle to white goats is a strange and still unexplained phenomenon that appeared only once in Season 1.
The image of goats appears quite often in the series, especially outside of Lumon, but no special relationship between the corporation and the animal has yet been revealed. Perhaps the mysterious room in the far corner of the basement is just a mystery for mystery's sake.
Redditor parodontaxator speculated that the process of caring for a baby goat may be a study of whether parental attachment is passed down from outies to innies. Because if romance does (that’s what Cobel was trying to figure out with Mark and Gemma, why can’t it be the same with other things?