5 Chilling Horrors Where Prom Night Becomes Hell on Earth

Looking forward to your prom? Maybe you shouldn't.
What can ruin the most important night of your school years? According to the directors, absolutely anything from a pig's blood prank to eternally hungry zombies.
We have collected five movies in which the transition to adulthood turned into a nightmare.
1. The Loved Ones
Graduation is a challenge to self-esteem in many ways. This is especially true for girls who, for one reason or another, are left without a date for the most important night of the year. The horror film, directed by Sean Byrne, deals with the social pressures that high school girls are usually subjected to.
The plot of the movie focuses on Brent, the school's most handsome boy, who becomes the object of attention of his strange classmate Lola. When Brent refuses to go to the prom with her, she decides to kidnap him and force him to be her prom king.
2. Carrie
The main prom horror movie is, of course, Carrie. Carrie is a telekinetic teenager who has suffered from bullying by classmates and abuse by her own mother for many years. After being the victim of a cruel prank at the prom, Carrie finally goes mad and takes cruel revenge on all her tormentors, including completely innocent people.
Based on Stephen King 's debut novel of the same name and directed by Brian De Palma, the movie remains relevant half a century later.
3. Tragedy Girls
If there is one movie in the world that can rival Brian De Palma's Carrie, it is the satirical slasher Tragedy Girls. The queen of pig's blood has been replaced by two desperate girls, Sadie and McKayla, who are willing to do literally anything for the sake of Internet popularity.
Tragedy Girls takes inspiration from the best high school comedies of the 80s and 90s, but does it in a bloodthirsty way, with dozens of corpses in the school hallway and sarcastic jokes on phone screens.
4. Dance of the Dead
It's a pretty funny horror movie that perhaps captures prom better than most. The main characters – a classic group of high school students, including the local prankster, a bully, a computer genius and a cheerleader – learn that their school has been taken over by zombies.
Fortunately, the living dead move rather slowly and dance even slower. Unfortunately, not all of the characters in Dance of the Dead have seen George Romero's classic zombie horror films, so there is a lot of fake blood involved.
5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
During a fight, a group of teenagers get into an accident and end up somewhere in the middle of the forest. Soon the boys discover a lonely house and climb inside, hoping to find a phone, but instead they stumble upon a family of cannibal maniacs.
The fourth film in the original franchise was directed by Kim Henkel, one of the screenwriters of the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Unlike the original, there is much more dark humor and even social satire – Leatherface, for example, is presented in a female form.