5 K-Dramas To Watch On Amazon Prime

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If you are new to Korean dramas, you may be faced with too many choices at once. What to watch? Where to start? Will the shows be available to you in the U.S.? Fortunately, thanks to streaming services investing heavily in international content, you can watch plenty of K-dramas on TV.
And not just on Netflix. If you have an Amazon Prime account and want to get the most out of it, check out the list of series below to get started.
True to Love
What happens when the admired and successful dating coach with not one, but several bestselling relationship books finds herself betrayed by her lover? Well, True to Love is a romance that explores this premise and makes sure that no one is left without love in the end. If you are looking for a lighthearted show with great character development, this is the show for you.
The Kidnapping Day
One of the best K-dramas of 2023 that has not received nearly enough attention. It is a crime show that focuses on the story of a butchered kidnapping, where the genius girl that was held hostage ends up being a genius. The story is convoluted and twisted in the best possible way and will not let you get bored for a second.
Witch’s Love
If you're a modern-day witch trying to stay under the radar of everyone around you, you'll certainly understand the struggle of Cho Hong, whose identity is threatened by the very nosy guy who just can't leave her and her restaurant business alone. A magical romantic story for those who just need a good pick-up show.
This fantasy production will pleasantly surprise you with it's quality. Everything from the CGI to the choreography of the scenes is incredibly well done. This makes the story of three beings coming together to fight the evil in the world around them even more impressive and believable. A story worthy of everyone's attention.
A good old vampire love story with a new, fun twist. If you thought that there was no way to make a story about a vampire male and a human female falling in love interesting, you would be wrong, and Heartbeat would prove it to you. The only sad thing is that not all love stories are destined to have a happy ending.