5 Most Annoyingly Misquoted Movie Lines In History

While the most legendary movie lines are forever embedded in popular culture, sometimes they are misremembered.
Some movie lines become so iconic that they find their way into pop culture and are quoted over and over again.
Occasionally, however, they end up being misremembered, with most people not even realizing they're misquoting the original.
So here are five of the most annoyingly misquoted movie lines.
Do you feel lucky? — Dirty Harry (1971)
Harry Callahan remains one of Clint Eastwood's most iconic roles, and the 1971 film is an absolute cult classic full of memorable moments.
Harry's monologue while pointing a gun at a robber is one of them, even though it's often misquoted. Instead of "Do you feel lucky, punk?" he actually says "You have to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do you, punk?"
The smell of napalm — Apocalypse Now (1979)
Francis Ford Coppola's epic war film set during the Vietnam War had a massive impact on popular culture, with Robert Duvall's William "Bill" Kilgore's line, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory" being one of the movie's most iconic scenes.
In reality, however, it is much longer and consists of an entire monologue describing the bombing of a hill.
Run, you fools — The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
For some reason, even people who have seen the first part of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy more than once often misremember this iconic scene.
Perhaps the jaw-dropping encounter with the Balrog moments earlier completely overshadows the line in their memories, but either way, Gandalf actually says, "Fly, you fools."
Stay away from her — Aliens (1986)
When Ripley makes her badass entrance to save Newt from the Xenomorph queen with the help of a power loader, it is followed by the legendary "Get away from her, you b*tch" line.
However, it seems that "get" is replaced by "stay" when the line is quoted quite often for some reason.
Luke, I am your father — Star Wars: Episode V (1980)
To leave arguably the most misquoted movie line in history without a spot on our list would have been a crime.
During the iconic reveal after Darth Vader chops off his son's hand, he doesn't just say it outright, but responds to Luke's accusation that he killed Anakin with "No, I am your father."