5 Open-World Video Games That Must Be Made into TV Series ASAP

5 Open-World Video Games That Must Be Made into TV Series ASAP
Image credit: Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Bethesda Softworks, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Rockstar Games

The upcoming live-action adaptations of Fallout and Zelda got us thinking: there are many more open-world games that totally deserve their own TV shows!

5. Far Cry 3 Would Make a Perfect TV Adaptation

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The most-known Far Cry installment, the third game remains everyone’s favorite even a decade after its release. As Jason Brody and his group find themselves on a pirate-occupied island, he goes out of his way to save his group from slavery. But noble goals aside, Jason’s journey turns him, a casual student, into a monster.

Far Cry 3 is an action-filled game that shows how far we can slip into insanity without realizing it. Featuring the iconic antagonist, unhinged sequences, and tightly-packed story, a Far Cry 3 TV series could go a long way. And Michael Mando would likely be happy to reprise his role as Vaas Montenegro, making him a no-brainer cast.

4. Dragon Age: Inquisition Already Looks Like a Netflix Show

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The world of Dragon Age has everything a successful fantasy franchise could possibly need: a deep and thought-through lore, an interesting magical system, various unique races, and severe conflicts. As with other titles from this list, we suggest that the most popular game of the series, Inquisition, should be adapted.

The world of Dragon Age is vast and interesting, and the very exploration of it is worth a TV show. The latest installment, Inquisition, drew the attention of more people than any previous part had managed to, and building a series around it would be a massive boost in audience. The game looks like a Netflix show already, too.

3. The Elder Scrolls Is Worth a Shot to Adapt For TV

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While Skyrim is undoubtedly the most famous part of this series, the universe of the Elder Scrolls has a huge history with countless periods worth exploring. Arguably, the plotline of TES: Online — the Interregnum — could provide for the most varied experience as protagonists face numerous wars and the Daedric invasion.

Molag Bal and Mannimarco aside, the lore of The Elder Scrolls is deeper than in most similar games which gives an opportunity to build an entire cinematic universe around it. The TES fans are a hard audience to please, but if someone pulls off a faithful and carefully crafted adaptation, that studio would earn an instant cult status.

2. Death Stranding Begs For a TV Adaptation

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Hideo Kojima’s latest video game, Death Stranding is but another testament to his genius. In a stunningly beautiful alien world, the main protagonist acts as a courier who must overcome its endless dangers to survive and earn some good money. How long has it been since we had a fresh survival series about another planet?

The cast for Death Stranding the TV Show would be no issue whatsoever: the lead roles in the video game were played by Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen, making them the only viable choices for the potential series. Who wouldn’t love to watch their rivalry unfold on their big-screen flat TV instead of a monitor?

1. Red Dead Redemption 2 TV Adaptation Can Be the New Yellowstone

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The absolute gem of Rockstar’s game-making history, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best Western video game to have ever video-gamed. With compelling characters, classic and dark cowboy stories, and the enchanting atmosphere of the Wild, Wild West, RDR2 immediately became a worldwide gaming phenomenon.

In the era when we only have Westworld and Yellowstone to show for unique Western shows, another addition would be more than welcome, and a live-action Red Dead Redemption adaptation sounds like the perfect choice. Gunslingers and the industrial revolution are enough to make grown men cry tears of joy.