TV The Rings Of Power

5 RoP Moments That'll Make You Want to Go Back in Time and Unsee Them

5 RoP Moments That'll Make You Want to Go Back in Time and Unsee Them
Image credit: Prime Video

Looking back on season one of Rings of Power initial season had some amazing stand-out moments. However, not all the show's decisions were good ones, and it led to some rather awkward scenes we'd much rather forget.

Here are five of the cringiest encounters throughout the series so far.

1. 'There is a tempest in me'

During Galadriel's time in Númenor, she focuses entirely on her journey to the Southlands of Middle-Earth. Yet many of her attempts to persuade the Queen-regent Míriel to lend her transport at first fail; leading to a few uncomfortable exchanges. However, none are quite as embarrassing as the squabble shown in episode four.

After Míriel refers to her as a castaway in a tempest, Galadriel dramatically states there is 'a tempest in me' which will not be quelled. The argument ultimately feels slightly forced and a vast overreaction.

2. Ships that float and rocks that sink

Another of the show's more regrettable moments comes at the beginning of the series. During RoP's introduction, a young Galadriel is seen as upset and angry. While her brother Finrod attempts to comfort her, he gives some unusual advice in the form of a metaphor. Comparing a rock which sinks down and is full of darkness, to a boat which floats because it 'looks up'.

Not only does this analogy fail to make sense, it feels like the show is desperate to capture some of the gravitas that Tolkien included in his books but doesn't quite get it right.

3. Durin wants the meat

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Elrond and Durin's friendship may be one of the best things about the show so far. Nevertheless, not even their lovable dynamic can stop you from wondering at times what the writers were thinking. Durin's direct and ridiculous line "give me the meat, and give it to me raw" was certainly an intentional gag meant for the character. Becoming another meme-able moment in an instant.

4. Enjoying that horse a bit too much

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Who could also forget (no matter how much you tried) Galadriel's slow-motion gallop across the beach? Cinematically it demonstrated impressive shots of the unfamiliar lands of Númenor. However, Galadriel's over-excitement at the mere mention of horses, mixed with the bizarre expression on her face while riding, made the whole scene appear more as a poor perfume advertisement than a scene from the series.

5. The forging of the rings of power

You would think such a vital moment as the first rings of power to be forged in the show would be more exceptional. However, many viewers found the events of the final episode of the season passed rather unremarkably and were a major letdown. The rings' power against the elven tree blight is still yet to be fully explained. And their forging for something so powerful ended up being comparatively simple. Ultimately focusing too much on this early blunder for the series is better left forgotten and best not heavily scrutinized.