5 Shows With Season 1 So Good They Should've Ended Right There

5 Shows With Season 1 So Good They Should've Ended Right There
Image credit: ABC, AMC

Maybe these shows should have been off the air after the first season, which was a huge success.

There are shows that stay at the same level from season to season, there are those that get better with each season, but there are also those whose first season was the peak and then the quality went down.

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead has long since become a meme: the show had amazing first season with Frank Darabont as showrunner, but then the Oscar nominee slammed the door with a scandal, and the spectacular post-apocalyptic horror turned into a soap opera – the second season swapped the urban setting for a quiet farm, and the action – for conversations.


An innovative and bold idea for 2006 was to create a superhero TV series that is not based on popular comic books. According to the plot, the most ordinary people discover superpowers in themselves.

The first season is considered the best of the four. Beginning with the second season, Heroes became an easy target for criticism: viewers were infuriated by brazen borrowing from X-Men comics, awkwardly constructed suspense, and constant characters’ behaviour changes.

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Twin Peaks

Many Twin Peaks fans consider only the first season canon. After the success of the first season, ABC wanted to continue the series. In the second season, one of the conditions was the discovery of Laura Palmer's killer, as this was already demanded by the fans.

David Lynch did not like this condition, but under pressure from the network management, the killer was revealed. After the main mystery of Twin Peaks was solved, David Lynch withdrew from the creation of the series for a while, and guest directors took his place, shooting most of the episodes of the second season.

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The first season of Westworld was released in 2016, and it pretty much surprised almost everyone. Despite the fact that the first season consists of only ten episodes, Westworld managed to build the most thoughtful and moderately complete world, full of mystery and intrigue. It's hard to call the second season as perfect as the first. It explains to the viewer the principle of the virtual world, which is often just boring to watch.

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The first season of Lost was just amazing – it introduced the viewers to the characters of the show and created mysteries. But the more the creators talked about the island, the more boring it became. Producer Damon Lindelof admitted that the series was supposed to end much earlier, but the management of the ABC channel demanded that it be stretched for new seasons.

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