5 TV Characters With The Worst Exits We Still Can’t Forgive

5 TV Characters With The Worst Exits We Still Can’t Forgive
Image credit: AMC, NBC

Leaving with no explanation at all would’ve been better than this.

In almost every show that runs longer than 5 seasons, there are some changes in the cast. The moment the show becomes a long-running hit, departures become inevitable as the actors decide to move on with their careers and don't want to be reliant on just one role.

While there is no easy way to say 'goodbye', a well-written, heartfelt exit can reassure viewers and leave them with a bittersweet sense of satisfaction. On the other hand, if the exit is done wrong, it may be the only thing fans remember about the show, even after it's over.

Here are 5 TV characters who were written off their respective shows so badly that fans still can't forgive or forget it happened.

Michonne Grimes (The Walking Dead )

It takes a very cold-blooded and careless person to think that leaving your two pre-pubescent children in the middle of a zombie apocalypse to go looking for a man is a good idea. No matter how cool and strong Michonne's character was, her decision to leave everything behind for Rick was one of the most hated plot twists of all time.

Fiona Gallagher (Shameless)

On the one hand, if there's one person in the Shameless universe who deserved to get away from all the Gallagher chaos, it's Fiona. On the other hand, her departure was so out of character that it felt like a betrayal to many viewers, preventing them from feeling any happiness for the character. Fiona could never leave the family she fought so hard for.

Andy Bernard (The Office )

Unfortunately, Andy Bernard fell victim to both poor writing and the tight schedule of the actor behind the character, Ed Helms. When the actor decided to pursue the role in The Hangover, the character was reduced to his old, unlikable self. Although there was an opportunity for redemption, the writers traded it all away.

Alex Karev (Grey’s Anatomy)

Apart from the titular character, Meredith Grey, Alex Karev was the only member of the original cast to last 16 seasons. Instead of celebrating this, the writers decided to ruin his entire character development in one scene of his departure, as he left his wife, his best friend and his work with one cowardly letter.

Serena Southerlyn (Law & Order)

While the character wasn't a fan favourite, and parting ways with her was inevitable, the decision to include the line about her sexuality in the final dialogue was questionable. Maybe Serena Southerlyn wasn't fired for being a lesbian, but Law & Order was found guilty of biting its audience with that fact. A bad choice for a show that didn't need any more publicity.

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