TV The Walking Dead Game of Thrones House, M.D. Sherlock

5 TV Show Episodes That Scared the Audience Off for Good

5 TV Show Episodes That Scared the Audience Off for Good
Image credit: AMC/HBO, Fox, BBC One HD

Sometimes, a single episode can ruin your entire experience and deprive you of any wish to keep watching a series — this is what these five shows did, at least.

5. The Walking Dead — Glen’s Death in S7E1

If you’re not Game of Thrones, you should be really careful when killing off fan-favorite characters, and TWD learned it the hard way. We understand that the show creators wanted to start the new season with a big shocker and set up Negan’s story arc, but fans really didn’t enjoy this move. After S7E1, the show lost a handful of viewers who hated seeing their favorite’s brutal demise.

4. Game of Thrones — Sansa’s Assault in S5E6

But actually, you can even be Game of Thrones and still slip when adding fans’ favorite unhinged scenes. It’s hard to say what exactly scared fans off in this episode’s depiction of sexual assault on Sansa Stark: the assault itself, the redundancy of this scene, or yet another repetition of her character’s main struggle. Either way, Game of Thrones lost some viewers with this one.

3. House M.D. — House’s Insanity in S7E23

It always comes down to characters, doesn’t it? House M.D. has always been doing a great job of portraying the balance of Dr. House’s snarky yet good-hearted nature — and then had him drive a car into his ex’s living room window just because he was upset about her leaving. Destroying your protagonist for a one-scene drama isn’t wise, and fans thought so, too.

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2. Lost — Utter Uselessness of S3E9

Another big thing for showrunners to watch out for is actually delivering on their promises to the audiences — and Lost learned it the hard way. This episode failed to provide the long-anticipated resolutions it even teased in promos, and fans were utterly disappointed when it turned out to be a bust. Tired of endless mysteries and questions, many viewers just dropped the show altogether.

1. Sherlock — The Abominable Bride

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It’s hard to pinpoint every reason why The Abominable Bride totally killed the mood for many Sherlock fans. We’ll try, though. It completely changed the setting of the show; it focused on the dead antagonist who never returned later; and in the end, everything fans had watched until that point, was revealed to be just a hallucination. The Abominable Bride single-handedly killed Sherlock, plain and simple.