7 Doctor Who Plot Holes So Huge They Tore the Space-Time Continuum, Ranked

Doctor Who writers are trying their best not to mess up the canon of the show too much, but they have slipped up a few times.
Here are seven times Doctor Who has created plot holes within its own timeline.
7. The Weeping Angels
In 2010’s two-parter featuring the Weeping Angels, fans learn that “an image of an angel becomes an angel itself,” which is the reason Amy nearly dies. However, in 2007’s Blink, Sally gives the Doctor the photos of the angels, and they don’t come alive as far as we know.
6. The Void
In 2006’s Doomsday, the Doctor and Rose are holding on for dear life to avoid getting sucked into the Void between the universes. However, Pete seems immune to the void’s particles (and he shouldn’t be), as he catches Rose and teleports back to his universe. Plus, how did he know the exact moment Rose would be in danger?
5. The Daleks
We’ll admit, it was a shock when they returned for the first time after they had already been supposedly extinct. All the numerous times after that? Nope. The Doctor should really stop looking so surprised and devastated every time he finds out that the Daleks have miraculously survived. Again.
4. Orson Pink
His appearance is a lovely nod to Danny, but Orson Pink shouldn’t exist. Clara’s boyfriend Danny dies before he is able to procreate, so him having a descendant makes zero sense. Unless he had some secret kids that he didn’t tell Clara about.
3. The Reapers
2005’s Father’s Day did a great job of explaining how paradoxes work in the Doctor Who universe. You mess with a fixed point in time, you get the Reapers unleashed. The problem is, these creatures haven’t been around since, despite the fact that the Doctor has caused a lot of paradoxes in the years to come.
2. The Doctor’s Nature
The Eighth Doctor’s era has established that the time traveler is part-human… only to completely forget this little detail moving forward. The Doctor’s human nature means that the Doctor Donna storyline is full of inconsistencies.
1. Gallifrey
At the beginning of the New Who era, Gallifrey is supposedly destroyed, and it is a fixed point in time. As the series progresses, the planet is not destroyed, then destroyed again, frozen in time, and unfrozen without any explanation. Whatever is going on with the Doctor’s home world doesn’t make sense, and it hasn’t for a long time.
Doctor Who may be riddled with plot holes, but fans love the show regardless.