7 Episodes or Less: Watch These 12 Netflix Mini Series in One Day

7 Episodes or Less: Watch These 12 Netflix Mini Series in One Day
Image credit: Netflix

Thanks to streaming services, we no longer have to wait for weekly episodes—we can binge our favorite shows in one go.

These mini-series are perfectly crafted to be devoured in just a few hours, making them ideal for a single evening's viewing. Here are 12 high-quality mini-series that you simply can't miss:

Netflix has mastered the art of binge-watching like no other streaming giant. It understands how much its subscribers enjoy watching multiple episodes in one sitting, moving seamlessly from one episode to the next without pause. Not surprisingly, Netflix has invested heavily in this format, producing a plethora of mini-series, each with fewer than ten episodes.

It's worth noting that many series on this list are what one might call "underappreciated." While they have been discussed to some extent, they haven't reached blockbuster status like Chernobyl did. Nevertheless, each of these series is worth your time, packing a full, compelling narrative into just eight episodes or fewer.

And a word of caution: most of these Netflix mini-series are so good that you might find yourself wishing for more—even though they are designed to be concise and complete narratives. Take The Queen's Gambit, for example, where Anya Taylor-Joy's performance was so mesmerizing that fans are still hoping for a sequel. However, don't hold your breath for follow-ups; these series are intended to be self-contained stories with no subsequent chapters.