8 Hot Fan Takes on Chicago Fire Perfect for Starting a Fight in Firehouse 51

We’re not saying we support these fan takes, but they’re definitely enough to make a fire. Get it?
8. Emma Jacobs Was Done Dirty & Didn’t Deserve It
Emma used to be one of the most hated characters in Chicago Fire, but that only proves she was a brilliant antagonist, and Caitlin Carver was among the best actors on the show. Emma never deserved being sent away like she was, especially since she was right every single time… And “not being cut out for 51” is no valid excuse.
7. Leslie Shay’s Death Was Completely Justified
Throughout the many seasons of Chicago Fire, Shay’s death is often called the most tragic and traumatizing. Fans loved her character, and seeing her go so randomly was a real sucker punch… But if you take a step back from your feelings and look at the show as a whole, you have to admit: Shay’s death was a great choice storywise.
6. Christopher Herrmann Is an Amazing Father
If you’re a Chicago Fire fan and Herrmann isn’t in your at least Top 10 favorite characters, then you’re not a Chicago Fire fan. Like Mouch, Herrmann is everyone’s beloved vet, but most people give him a hard time for his parenting methods. Well, here it comes: Herrmann is a great father, and he’s only as harsh as he has to be.
5. Sylvie Brett Was the Most Obnoxious Character
Before her recent leave from Firehouse 51, Brett was its sweetheart, and deservedly so… As a character, however, she was just terrible. Brett was a Mary Sue with little to no storylines apart from her love life, and her impulsiveness made her annoying at times. Also, some fans claim her ending up with Casey was a dumb plot choice.
4. Stella Kidd Shouldn’t Have Become a Lieutenant
A statement against Stella Kidd should be the last thing you’d see on a “Chicago Fire hot takes” list seeing how many people hate her. But this time, it’s not about Stella not deserving to become a Lieutenant; it’s about her being promoted too soon. It felt rushed, especially since they could’ve simply had Pelham step in until she’s ready.
3. Firehouse 51 Is Plagued by Double Standards
Okay, this one we can completely get behind. In Firehouse 51, there are two types of people: main characters whose every sin is easily forgiven and secondary characters who are getting the harsh treatment if they breathe the wrong way. Severide and Chili’s case is the best example of that, and we’ll never stop fuming about it.
2. Truck and Ambulance Don’t Get Their Job Right
The Truck team’s job is to rescue people from fires. The Ambulance team’s job is to save those rescued by the Truck team. Something about their approach to their jobs is clearly wrong because they get in way too many “incidents” all the time. They crash their vehicles, get them stolen or blown up, get shot at — you name it. Why?
1. Firehouse 51 Must Be Shut Down
The most annoying recurring storyline in Chicago Fire is the notorious “someone’s out to get 51.” But in all seriousness, shutting down Firehouse 51 is not just a fair call; it’s something that must have been done ages ago. It’s the only firehouse that consistently breaks all rules and protocols, has people shot and stabbed over and over, and whose employees are playing cops. Of course, the CFD hates them!