
Best Sci-Fi Movie Ever Made? Not Star Wars, According to Poll

Best Sci-Fi Movie Ever Made? Not Star Wars, According to Poll
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Now considered a masterpiece of science fiction, the movie was initially a critical and audience disappointment.

In 2022, Time Out compiled its list of the 100 best science fiction movies of all time. The list was created not only by the authors of the publication, but also by invited experts – Nobel awardees, famous directors and writers, such as Guillermo Del Toro and George Martin.

The undisputed leader was Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece – 2001: A Space Odyssey. Much has changed since the day it was released – the movie, woven around myths, legends and fascinating stories, has become a true icon of sci-fi cinema, having gone through trials, difficulties and criticism.

2001: A Space Odyssey was not immediately well-accepted: while a young generation immediately began to praise the movie, a much more adult audience did not hide its disdain – Kubrick's innovation seemed truly frightening and repulsive.

While the hippies went to see the film over and over again, excited by the new experience, others booed Kubrick's new project, yawning and leaving the theater during the screening.

Moreover, Kubrick undoubtedly felt the disapproval of the Metro-Golwyn-Mayer – they also left the screening and even considered cancelling the premiere.

Best Sci-Fi Movie Ever Made? Not Star Wars, According to Poll - image 1

The prominent writer Ray Bradbury also could not resist criticizing A Space Odyssey for its slow pace and for the dialog that seemed to be too clichéd.

However, the movie was still a real breakthrough, clearly ahead of its time, and that’s why it caused a heated discussion – not only about the future of cinema, but also about the scientific, philosophical, and religious aspects of the movie.

A Space Odyssey left so many questions unanswered that most of them are still relevant half a century later.

In 1969, 2001: A Space Odyssey was nominated for an Oscar in the categories of Best Original Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Production Design, but only won the statuette for Best Visual Effects.

That year, the Oscar for Best Picture went to the musical Oliver! The American Film Academy did not understand Kubrick in the same way as some viewers, but time, as always, put everything in its place.

Source: Time Out