Blue Bloods: 5 Most Hated Non-Reagan Characters That Keep Getting on Our Nerves

While the focus of Blue Bloods is always on the Reagans, there are more than a handful of secondary characters on the show — and some of them are just infuriating!
5. Reverend Darnell Potter
The main problem fans have with Darnell Potter is not that he directly opposes the Reagan clan: that’s actually quite fine considering the Reverend has noble goals of fighting corruption and racism among law enforcement. The problem is that, despite all his claims, Potter strikes all the wrong angles — and instead of a valid character, he appears to be more of a cartoonish villain.
4. DA Kimberly Crawford
Kimberly Crawford was set up to be disliked by fans by the fact she won the race to become the new District Attorney against Erin — but if that was her only problem, it would’ve been great. Crawford is a genuinely unlikable person who many fans even claim to be downright evil, and she’s definitely not someone to wield the power of a DA. Crawford is rude, immoral, and all too harsh.
3. Governor Martin Mendez
Being the New York Governor, Mendez couldn’t have been anything but a shady politician — but instead of merely having his own agenda and being glued to his position, the Governor directly opposes the Reagans and does all too much scheming for fans’ liking. Of all the recurring characters, Martin Mendez is perhaps the most hated, and many viewers despise him on a personal level.
2. Archbishop Kevin Kearns
While Kearns always tries to position himself as an ally and friend of Frank Reagan, he, too, always has his own agenda and uses the Commissioner's kind heart to manipulate him. The Archbishop always appears to ask something from Frank while refusing to share the information he’s later revealed to have known all along — and his mere presence on the screen infuriates Blue Bloods fans.
1. Captain Paula McNichols
Another person in the position of power, McNichols was promoted all too soon, and it obviously got into her head. As Eddie’s new boss, Captain McNichols almost makes it her goal to make her subordinates’ lives as insufferable as possible, and soon after her promotion, Blue Bloods fans started demanding her gone. There’s not much else to say about McNichols’s leadership except that she doesn’t deserve it.