Chainsaw Man Eventually Unveils Its Final Boss (Even OG Fans Aren't Ready)

Chainsaw Man has become one of the most popular anime of the last year, which can even compete with a hit like Attack on Titan in terms of spectacularity.
The anime is praised for its rich and interesting plot, with many unusual characters and antagonists, but we can only figure out who the main villain is from a few clues.
Anime fans are hard to surprise. They seem to have seen it all: spectacular action, epic vampire showdowns, and the most unimaginable demons.
Imagine the most unbelievable plot – and, most likely, these people have already seen it in an anime or manga. But Chainsaw Man blew the minds of even the most sophisticated aficionados.
So far, the real action of Chainsaw Man hasn't even begun. The main villain has just set traps and is preparing to lure the heroes into his nets. And few clues suggest who it will be.
The protagonist Denji will have to deal with the apocalypse predicted by Nostradamus, but until recently it was unknown which devil would lead the parade.
Famine tells Yoshida that powerful Devils will soon arrive to bring terror to the world, and one has already arrived as they speak.
Confirming this, a mysterious Devil appears from a pile of people who killed themselves by jumping out of a window. The identity of this demon is not revealed, but Famine refers to it as the Primal Fear.
Considering that the victims of this demon killed themselves, it is logical to assume that this is the Devil of Death, who is also a woman, since Famine says "she" and all the other Devils of the Apocalypse – the Four Horsemen – are also female.
In addition to the Death and Famine, they include the Control and the War Demon.
If the Death Devil is addressed as the Primal Fear of mankind, then it is logical to assume that she will be both the most dangerous enemy of Denji and the leader of the end of the world.
However, fans will not be able to find this out for sure anytime soon. The second season of Chainsaw Man will not be released until the fall of 2023, which will only fuel interest in how Denji's story will continue.