TV Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire: Real Firefighter Reveals What the Show Gets Right and Wrong

Chicago Fire: Real Firefighter Reveals What the Show Gets Right and Wrong
Image credit: NBC

For a fictional series, Chicago Fire gets most real-life firefighting aspects almost perfectly, but there are some hilarious mistakes that make watching the show even more fun for an experienced firefighter.

Chicago Fire is undeniably one of NBC's most popular and watched TV shows, and while it's entirely fictional, the creators are doing their best to accurately capture various aspects of firefighters' job — they even have a bunch of experts on the set! Still, sometimes, there are funny mistakes that break the immersion completely.

Dushone Roman, an active Los Angeles County firefighter and paramedic, revealed some aspects that the show gets right and wrong when talking to TV Insider about Chicago Fire. It's interesting to learn what a real-life professional has to say, especially since, as Roman admitted, he's also a diehard fan of the series!

When talking about the inaccuracies of Chicago Fire, Roman claimed that there aren't too many; in fact, many scenes make him feel like they were shot in real life by how close they come to the reality of a firefighter's job.

"I love the back-and-forth banter. That's exactly what we do in the fire services. Watching Chicago Fire brings back memories of what we do. They get things right for the most part, but in the medical scenes, there's funny EMS stuff, say, where oxygen [masks] on people's faces are placed on wrong," shared Roman.

When asked about the number of women on duty in active firehouses, Dushone had to admit that in reality, there aren't that many of them. However, he's proud of the female colleagues he has, and he loves those on duty in Firehouse 51.

"We had two great women here for years, and they recently got promoted and went on to other stations. As for Stella Kidd, that's my girl! Wish I had the chance to meet her, she's pretty cool," laughed the firefighter.

Roman also shared that his favorite characters from Chicago Fire, apart from Kidd, are Mouch because he's "cool and laid back" and Joe Cruz because Roman feels like he can relate to the man the most. The firefighter hopes that one day, he'll get to meet the actor in real life and have a proper chat with them after having watched them on the screen for years.

Source: TV Insider

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