Crazy 911 Fan Theory Finally Proves Buck And Eddie To Be More Than BFFs

As if shippers needed more to believe the developing romance.
It's not uncommon for fans to pick up on the chemistry between two actors faster than the writers.
Fortunately, with enough imagination, writing, and editing skills, any fandom can make any ship work without being canonically proven.
This is exactly what happened with Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz on FOX's 911.
Both characters are firefighters at Station 118 of the Los Angeles Fire Department, so they're always working as a team.
But that's not the only thing that makes fans believe in their potential relationship: they are best friends, as close as you can imagine without crossing the platonic line on the screen.
While some fans accuse the writers of queerbaiting, others genuinely believe there could be a future for the two of them together, and they're looking at an example of a classic slow burn.
One theory that recently surfaced on Reddit about the last episode of season 6 is just another confirmation of the relationship that is bound to happen.
If you have already watched episode 13 of season 6, you may have noticed a common pattern in the characters' clothing choices.
Chimney and Maddie, as well as Bobby and Athena, established couples on the show, all wear blue and green clothing in their respective scenes.
The same goes for Buck and Eddie, as Buck wears a light blue shirt and Eddie wears military green in their scene together.
It wouldn't be a big deal, but fans couldn't help but remember how several people from the 911 production team made it clear that they put a lot of thought into what and where the characters wear.
In that sense, the choice to put Buck and Eddie in matching colors seems clearly intentional.
"It's the fact that Chris wore a teal shirt – a combination of blue and green – during their little family scene for me. A straight-up visual representation of him being Buck and Eddie's kid," Redditor stillyoursong noted another detail that just further proves the intention behind this choice.
Whether or not there is a chance for #Buddie to become canon, we'll have to wait and see for ourselves. Keep an eye out for new 911 episodes every Monday on FOX.