Crush Gone Wrong: Angelina Jolie Was Terribly Disappointed in Johnny Depp After Working with Him

Angeline Jolie had a crush on Johnny Depp and really wanted to work with him — but when it happened, she quickly learned he was very far from her dream man.
Romances and crushes between A-listers are a common occurrence, but as we know, they often don’t work out. Young Angeline Jolie used to have a massive crush on Johnny Depp and as she became an actress herself, she wanted to co-star with him. But that’s the thing with dreams: when they collide with reality, it kind of hurts.
After years of waiting, Angeline Jolie finally got the opportunity to work with Depp: she was cast alongside him in Tourist, and they played on-screen lovers. Everything sounded absolutely perfect, and the two actors got along brilliantly when they met before the shooting — but when it came to the actual work, things were different.
To Jolie’s irritation, Johnny Depp didn’t exactly behave like the man of her dreams. Admittedly, the actor tended to be late on the set and he often came in bad shape, allowing his hair, makeup, and costume teams to work on his appearance instead of striding in picture-perfectly. Also, he totally refused to cut his hair when she asked!
But off-screen appearances aside, the one dream Angelina Jolie still had from her younger years didn’t work out, either. Kissing scenes between the two were not as pleasant as one might imagine since Depp has always been a chain smoker, and Jolie hated the smell. She’d always try to feed him some mint or a mouthwash.
It wasn’t long until the two stars developed mutual resentment, reports claim.
“Johnny retreats to his own trailer until he’s called out again. He thinks she’s really full of herself. Even though Johnny’s family visits periodically, Angelina hasn’t extended an invitation to Johnny. Angelina’s experience on The Tourist hasn’t been the best, to say the least,” an insider shared with In Touch Weekly.
Apart from these reports, however, the two actors have expressed mutual gratitude and respect on many occasions — so either they successfully mended fences or someone wasn’t entirely sincere with the press. Either the insider or the actors.
Source: In Touch Weekly via Celebitchy