Daryl Dixon May Introduce a Major Comics’ Character, And Fans Think They Know Who

Daryl Dixon May Introduce a Major Comics’ Character, And Fans Think They Know Who
Image credit: AMC

Is episode 5 going to drop a bombshell that no one saw coming?

The highly anticipated spinoff of The Walking Dead, TWD: Daryl Dixon has finally arrived. If you’ve already watched the first episode, released on Sunday, you are probably as hooked as most of the fans.

The series is obviously packed with surprises, but one of them might be exceptionally mind-blowing. In a review of the season by Show Snob, it is suggested that there will be a certain "name-drop" in episode 5 that's supposedly going to "break the internet."

This piece of information has had fans speculating whose name it could be. TWD fans on Reddit have been buzzing with theories. One of the most popular guesses is Jeff Grimes.

For those not in the know, Jeffrey Grimes, often called Jeff, is a character from the comic series The Walking Dead: The Alien. He's Rick Grimes' younger brother and was close friends with Lori Grimes, Rick's wife, before the outbreak.

Daryl Dixon May Introduce a Major Comics’ Character, And Fans Think They Know Who - image 1

Jeff's story is quite tragic. He was in Barcelona, Spain when the outbreak began and couldn't return home due to a quarantine. He eventually meets a woman named Claudia and tries to help her get to America.

However, their journey is cut short when Jeff is bitten by a walker. Before his demise, he asks Claudia to find Rick and deliver a message.

Some fans speculate that Jeff Grimes is just the right guy for a big surprise in TWD: Daryl Dixon. Fans imagine a scenario where Daryl is told that a man named Grimes wants to see him. The immediate thought is that it is Rick, but it turns out that it is his brother.

Another user mentioned a nun talking about contacting someone from Spain. Could this be a hint towards Jeff's location? It's a stretch, but anything is possible in the world of TWD.

So, will the big name-drop be Jeff Grimes? Or is it someone else entirely? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure — the spinoff has managed to ignite fan’s excitement so far, making them eagerly anticipate the next episode.

Episode 2 of Daryl Dixon is set to be released on September 17 on AMC and AMC+.

Sources: Show Snob, Reddit