David Tennant Could Never Come Back To 10th Doctor Now, Here's Why

David Tennant Could Never Come Back To 10th Doctor Now, Here's Why
Image credit: BBC

Prepare to see more of the 14th.


  • Doctor Who is a British science fiction television series that has been on the air since 1963.
  • The show follows the life of an alien who can travel through time and space and has a regenerative power that allows him to change his face instead of dying.
  • For the 60th anniversary celebrations, David Tennant who portrayed the 10th incarnation of the Doctor, was brought back.

When the news broke that David Tennant would be returning to Doctor Who for the show's 60th anniversary, many people had conflicting feelings. From one point of view, David Tennant has always been one of the most popular Doctors of the revival. He played the 10th incarnation and was adored by the fanbase.

On the other hand, the last thing anyone would want for such a celebration would be to have only one Doctor present, with the whole story revolving around him. The 10th Doctor was great, but his run was always framed by the somewhat messy romantic storyline, and not every fan would be happy to see that come back.

Russell T. Davies, the original showrunner of the New Who, who also returned for the 60th specials, found a much better solution. David Tennant's return to the series was made into a separate incarnation of the Doctor. And the writers made sure that he was very different from the 10th Doctor.

But does that mean we will never see the 10th Doctor on our screens again? That is the question that people are now trying to answer.

Will Doctor Who Bring the 10th Doctor Back?

David Tennant Could Never Come Back To 10th Doctor Now, Here's Why - image 1

One of the most obvious differences between the 10th and 14th Doctors is the difference in David Tennant's age. With more than a decade between the two incarnations, Doctor Who production decided not to de-age the actor, resulting in a slightly different look for him.

For now, the 14th Doctor will only appear in three specials, but knowing how enthusiastic David Tennant is about the show, it may not be the last time he makes an appearance. If producers decide not to de-age him any further, there is a chance that each new appearance will be on the 14th instead of the 10th.

On the other hand, if the writers do bring David Tennant back specifically for the journey as the 10th Doctor, Whovians really hope to see the two versions interact with each other. After all, there's nothing better than seeing the look of utter confusion on David Tennant's face when he possibly realizes himself.

Looking at the promotional material for the second of three specials, it doesn't look like a subplot. But the best thing about Doctor Who is how rarely predictable it is, so tune in to the next episode on December 2 to see for yourself.