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Done With Stranger Things S5 Delay? Binge the Next Best Mystery Show on Prime Video

Done With Stranger Things S5 Delay? Binge the Next Best Mystery Show on Prime Video
Image credit: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video

A story that revolves around unexplained events that happen in a small town? it's not only Stranger Things.

The modern TV reality is that the production of a new season of your favorite project can take years. This happened, for example, with Bridgerton and, of course, with Stranger Things – the fourth season ended in July 2022, it is now July 2024, and there is still no release date for the fifth season. All that is known is that the new chapter will be released in 2025.

There is no need to sit and wait for the release of a new season, especially when it takes so long to produce. The success of Stranger Things did not go unnoticed and a number of other projects tried to repeat the formula that was loved by such a large number of viewers.

Some did it better, some did it worse, but today we are going to tell you about a project that can definitely be put in first place among "Stranger Things-like" shows – Tales From the Loop.

Tales From the Loop is Based on an Artbook

Adapting an art book for the screen is not the most obvious idea Hollywood producers can come up with. A few years ago, Cloverfield director Matt Reeves showed his friend, Legion screenwriter Nathaniel Halpern, drawings by Swedish artist Simon Stålenhag.

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His book, Tales From the Loop, describes a small town with a giant circular particle accelerator and an experimental physics research center beneath it. Due to the activities of the scientists in the area, unexplainable things happen in this town on a regular basis.

Most of the art book's pages are taken up by illustrations, and information about the town's life was contained in short stories a few paragraphs long designed as Stålenhag's childhood memories.

Tales From the Loop is a Perfect Comfort Show

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It's understandable that any modern show about a small town where strange things happen is bound to be compared to Stranger Things, but Tales From the Loop stands up to that comparison well, especially because it genuinely conveys a sense of warmth and nostalgia while still going its own way.

Tales From the Loop is a leisurely, melancholic retrofuturism, childishly naive and completely disarming. The meditative pace of the series evokes associations with the episode San Junipero from Black Mirror. And the touching nostalgia for the past that never was is comparable to the therapeutic effect of not only Stranger Things, but also Gravity Falls.

Tales From the Loop will not appeal to everyone. In some places it is too leisurely, and in others – too naive. However, after the final credits, it becomes clear that you do not want to leave the strange town of Mercer, Ohio.

Where to Stream Tales From the Loop?

Tales From the Loop is available on Prime Video.