Drew and Willow Aside, Here Are 8 More Worst General Hospital Couples

Drew and Willow Aside, Here Are 8 More Worst General Hospital Couples
Image credit: ABC

Check if your faves made the list.

Even though Drew and Willow aren't technically a couple yet, there are many General Hospital fans who are rooting for them to become one.

Despite the troubling age difference, the power dynamic, and the fact that Willow is Nina's daughter, viewers can feel the sparks of chemistry between the two actors and believe this is where General Hospital is headed.

Even though General Hospital has created many wonderful couples over the 60 years of the show, it wouldn't be the first time viewers have been disappointed. Here are 8 other couples that just didn't work out for soap fans.

Ned and Monica Quartermaine

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There was probably no more disturbing couple than Ned and Monica. Not only were they related by marriage, but he immediately went after her daughter, completely ignoring all the red flags.

Not surprisingly, the entire family reacted extremely poorly to the affair, and many viewers still find the whole storyline strange and unnecessary, as it did nothing good for either character.

Dr. Kevin and Laura Collins

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It is very sad to see the very popular legacy character go into a quiet retirement in a boring but happy relationship. In general, there is no worse crime for a soap opera than to be boring, and Kevin was definitely that.

Sure, there's no other man that fans would have loved for Laura as much as they loved Luke, but her previous relationship with Scott was at least somewhat entertaining.

Patrick Drake and Sam McCall

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Another couple that would have been much better off not existing at all is Patrick Drake and Sam McCall. Although some people thought they saw some sparks between the two, they disappeared very quickly.

The only man Sam was even remotely interesting to watch with was Jason, so it's no surprise that she couldn't possibly let him go, and he ended up popping up in Patrick and Sam's relationship forever.

Peter August and Maxie Jones

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Many General Hospital fans tend to believe that the show could never recreate the intensity and chemistry of Maxie and Nathan, who was killed off, and they are right. Whatever followed Maxie and Peter's relationship ended in tragedy.

Through all the sinister lies and terror, fans of the show cheered when Felicia stepped forward and ended Peter's life, freeing her daughter as any loving mother would.

Sonny Corinthos and Emily Quartermaine

While there was nothing particularly disturbing about this pairing, there was nothing good about it either. It was clear that Jason's sweet adoptive sister Emily deserved far better than a mobster like Sonny, and no one really bought his character development.

The actors didn't have nearly enough chemistry to pull off the ‘forbidden love’ trope, so the writers broke them up pretty quickly and never returned to the idea.

Kristina Corinthos-Davis and Parker Forsyth

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Speaking of relationships with slightly disturbing power dynamics, the one between a young woman and her professor definitely fit the bill. While the soap opera fans may overlook this detail in favor of the generally likable couple, the lack of chemistry between Lexi Ainsworth and Ashley Jones didn't help their case.

While members of the LGBTQA+ community still crave representation on their favorite shows, the predatory storylines are not the way to go about it.

Carly Corinthos and Franco Baldwin

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Someone in the General Hospital writers room must have gone insane to write a romance like this into the show, as they didn’t have even an ounce of chemistry.

Not only were Carly and Franco the two people you could never imagine being together, but this relationship made viewers like Carly even less than they already did. What do you mean, she wanted to marry someone who orchestrated the sexual assault of her own son?

Nikolas Cassadine and Elizabeth Webber

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This couple, who probably couldn't even be called a real couple, is a perfect example of the ‘right person, wrong time’ saying. They have crossed paths at exactly the wrong times in their lives, and each time, the situation has only gotten worse.

Watching Lulu, Lucky, and Carly tear Elizabeth down over this couple that wasn't even worth the screen time was even worse than watching them interact in the first place. Everything about the two of them turned out to be a disaster.