Movies The Lord of the Rings

Elijah Wood Picked The Most Unlikable LOTR Movie As the Best One

Elijah Wood Picked The Most Unlikable LOTR Movie As the Best One
Image credit: globallookpress

The actor who played Frodo Baggins in the acclaimed trilogy named the least popular film in the series as his favorite.

Wood acknowledged that his choice may come as a surprise to some fans who consider The Return of the King superior to the first film.

However, he explained that his decision was based on his emotional connection to the picture and its themes.

The Fellowship of the Ring is the movie that sets up the entire story and introduces the audience to the characters, which is what Wood appreciated the most.

He also praised the film's pacing and the way it combined epic world-building with intimate character moments.

Elijah Wood notes that The Fellowship of the Ring seems to him to be the most balanced part of the trilogy.

We see the prologue that tells the story of the One Ring, the audience is introduced to all the major characters, and the plot gets more serious and darker as the journey continues.

And many fans agree with the actor who brought the image of the legendary Frodo Baggins to the screen. Viewers note that it is the word "balance" that perfectly describes The Fellowship of the Ring.

The first installment works perfectly as a stand-alone film, setting up all the events in the universe.

However, some fans argue that The Return of the King is superior to the first film in terms of action and spectacle. The battle scenes are often cited as some of the best in cinematic history.

And it also contains truly memorable moments of the trilogy, such as the Battle of the Pelennor Fields and the destruction of the One Ring.

Regardless of personal preference, it is clear that The Lord of the Rings trilogy has left an indelible mark on pop culture and cinematic history.

Wood's choice of The Fellowship of the Ring as his favorite film in the series only serves to underscore the enduring impact of this beloved franchise.

Sources: Reddit, YouTube