Even Supernatural Fans Don't Believe The Winchesters Is Worth Saving

Even Supernatural Fans Don't Believe The Winchesters Is Worth Saving
Image credit: The CW

Perhaps, now is the perfect time to forget it ever happened.

As much as people in fandoms are usually driven by nostalgia, not all of it pays off in the same way.

There are many examples of spin-offs of the great original shows that were not even half as popular and failed miserably in the ratings. Unfortunately, it looks like The Winchesters will join that list.

It seemed to have everything a successful spinoff needs to be well received: from the title, which immediately refers to The Supernatural, to Jensen Ackles being directly involved in the production.

But even that didn't seem to convince the fans, who slowly but surely turned their backs on the show.

The news that followed the season 1 finale was not surprising at all. The CW, trying to rebuild the network and make the business profitable, did not see the future potential of The Winchesters and decided to cancel the show.

Neither the fans of the show nor the production team were shocked by this decision.

Now, however, they're full of dedication to bringing the show back on another network. The question is: is it really necessary?

While some are bombarding Twitter and Instagram with #SaveTheWinchesters posts, others are very skeptical about whether this is a good idea or not.

While it was nice to see the familiar universe back, along with some familiar characters, the show just never met the quality standards everyone expected of it.

True fans would rather show some tough love to the cast and crew today than see them drag out something that just isn't worth it.

Too many people say they were so disappointed in the show that they won't watch the second season, even if it somehow gets released.

No nostalgia can help with bad writing, mediocre acting, and a plot that doesn't make sense.

What fans want instead is for the team to learn from their mistakes and come up with a spin-off that actually does justice to the original Supernatural.

Or leave it as it is without screwing things up any more than they already have.