Fallout Season 2 Can Drop the Funniest (and Most Infuriating) Bit of Ghoul's Lore

Jonathan Nolan can do the funniest thing ever and we sincerely hope he doesn’t.
Seeing how Prime Video ’s Fallout is heading full-speed into the Mojave Wasteland for Season 2, countless possibilities are opening up before the showrunners. Mojave is the home of Fallout: New Vegas, one of the franchise’s most popular games, and there are bound to be some points of intersection between the TV show and the video game… Though some ideas are better left untouched.
Fallout S2 Likely to Expand the Ghoul’s Lore
Out of the show’s four main characters, the Ghoul is clearly the most important: he’s the only one whose flashbacks provide us with context of the past 200-something years and thus explain the nature of current events. From Vault-Tec and the Great War to cold fusion and Moldaver, Cooper Howard connected all plot dots together.
Season 2 will most likely keep up the trend of adding Cooper’s flashbacks to support the present-day plotlines, and as a side effect, it will also expand the Ghoul’s lore. Many fans are eager to learn (or better yet, see) what this terrifying bounty hunter has been up to during his two-centuries-long real-life Westworld vacation…
And that provides Jonathan Nolan and Todd Howard with a unique opportunity that they should absolutely pass on.
Fallout S2 Could Do the Funniest Thing Ever
Once again, the land Cooper and Lucy are heading into in Season 2 is the Mojave Wasteland, the place where the events of Fallout: New Vegas took place. Seeing how the show will likely have to determine the game’s “canon” ending (like it did with Fallout 4 in Season 1), they can take this opportunity further and amuse some fans.
A few fans suggested the Ghoul could turn out to have been the Courier all along. Cooper could casually drop the line like, “Got buried here once, the next few weeks were one crazy drug-fueled ride” and never elaborate on it. But as hilarious as such a revelation would have been, this idea should stay buried like the Ghoul himself did.
We’re all for fun and games, and Fallout is the perfect franchise to pull off the craziest decisions… But staunch New Vegas fans are sensitive folks, and we can already hear their battle cries from the alternate universe future where Nolan goes through with this plot twist. It’s just not worth it — even if fittingly bizarre.
And yes, we’re well-aware of all the reasons why it would’ve been not lore-friendly.