Friends Fans Still Bitter About This Character’s Arc: He Deserved Better

Good job breaking our hearts, writers…
Friends is one of the most iconic show’s of the 90’s that is still being considered as the best sitcom ever created. No surprise there! Every little detail about this show is amazing: all the storylines, jokes, cast, and characters.
Over the course of ten seasons, the six main characters, Monica, Rachel, Chandler, Ross, Joey, and Phoebe have been through so many things that it's hard to believe they could really happen to a person in real life. Well, that's why we love sitcoms – for the real, albeit unreal, stuff.
At the end of the series we had all of our main characters being exactly where we thought they would be: Ross with Rachel, Monica and Chandler finally having kids, Phoebe married to Mike, and Joey… well, that’s one thing in the show’s finale that remains a disappointment.
Joey is the only character out of all of them who ended up alone, and that doesn't seem fair to the fans. It's just heartbreaking to think of him coming back from Central Perk all alone and not having his best friends living across the hall.
Although a big romantic ending isn't necessarily the finale fans had in mind for Joey. Sure, it would have been nice to see him fall in love with someone other than Rachel, some fans even suggested his love interest be the girl he helped through labor, but that's not the only way to give someone a happy ending.
Some fans got the most unexpected ideas.
“I would change Joey's storyline. I always thought it'd be kind of cool to have Joey's kid from one of his flings show up and him having to figure out how to parent and become mature. I think Joey would've made a good dad based on how he was with Emma,” Redditor Candid-Bee-111 said.
Well, as much as we would like to see that happen, it will forever remain in our minds. And the spinoff, Joey, didn’t make things any better…