TV George Martin Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Still Never Explained The Motivation Of Its Most Enigmatic Villain

Game of Thrones Still Never Explained The Motivation Of Its Most Enigmatic Villain
Image credit: Legion-Media

One of the most intriguing arcs in the entire series promised a big payoff. But an unexpected move by the writers dashed fans' expectations and left many questions unanswered.

And now the audience has decided to find out the truth.

Redditor vaporeonjolteonWOW does not understand what the Night King's purpose was. One of the possible motives could be a desire for revenge.

According to series lore, the Children of the Forest created the villain by inserting a shard of dragonglass into the heart of a First Man.

It is believed that this act was meant to end the war between the First Men and the Children, but instead gave birth to the Night King, a being with a burning hatred for humanity.

Then, in an attempt to get to Bran, the villain killed the Three-Eyed Raven. But what would have happened if the Night King had won the battle for Winterfell and taken over Westeros?

Fans immediately began to offer their theories. Some believe the Night King's motivation was to prevent Bran from becoming the Three-Eyed Raven.

Users point to the young Stark's incredible abilities, which he demonstrated in the episode The Door. Viewers believed the villain was after him because Bran would be the one to stop the Night King.

Game of Thrones Still Never Explained The Motivation Of Its Most Enigmatic Villain - image 1

Many expected a circular conflict where the Night King only exists because Raven (Bran) is alive.

But now it's as if the showrunners decided to throw out that overly complicated arc, kill off the show's most intriguing villain, and make Bran king out of nowhere.

Redditor AegonTheAuntFooker also thinks the Night King wanted to kill Stark, but the exact reasons are still unclear. The user mentions the canceled Game of Thrones spin-off with the working title Bloodmoon.

The series was supposed to tell the story of how Westeros fell from the era of heroes to the darkest hour of its history.

Unfortunately, fans will not get to see the show that could have clarified many things and answered the backlog of questions.

Viewers are now left to guess at the Night King's true motives or wait for George Martin, who has been writing a sequel for over a decade.

Source: Reddit