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Get Meyer on the Phone: Twilight Fans Demand a Spinoff For Saga's Best Villains

Get Meyer on the Phone: Twilight Fans Demand a Spinoff For Saga's Best Villains
Image credit: globallookpress

These two would do justice to the Twilight Saga legacy.

Despite many years of popularity, panels, interviews, additional materials, and straight-up speculations about Twilight, there are still many characters in Twilight Saga that fans wish to learn more about.

However, neither books nor movies could potentially fit the number of stories and plots this would imply.

One of the books that can give more insight into those who had been left out would be The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide released back in 2011.

Besides finding out more about the character you already love, you can fall in love with some, who you didn't notice before.

That happened recently with Victoria and James, who Reddit fans got a newfound appreciation for.

Being powerful vampires, leading a former's coven, they could've gotten a lot more attention initially, and it's a pity all they got is just a paragraph in a guide.

"I could see it as a novella for sure. Dual POV, throw in some flashbacks, there's definitely enough material there for ~200 pages," Redditor ForgetTheWords suggested their version of the spinoff these two could get, after reading all over again about their powers and history.

Other Twilight fans seem to agree Victoria and James would make perfect antagonist leads for a book, or mayhaps a TV show, continuing the legacy of the saga.

You've got an incredible superpower (mind you, Victoria's gift was avoiding danger), the coolest vampire setting possible, and a sad but very eventful one-sided love story: what else would possibly be needed for a spinoff to succeed?

Ecstatic about such an opportunity at hand, someone even suggested getting Stephenie Meyer on the phone. After all, without her, this story wouldn't be as great, even if it ever was to see the daylight.

Thankfully, you can get a fair share of both James and especially Victoria, in the movies.

You can stream Twilight on Netflix, HULU, HBO Max, and Paramount Plus.