TV George Martin Game of Thrones

GoT Star Wishes He (and Everyone Else) Could Forget This Infamous Line

GoT Star Wishes He (and Everyone Else) Could Forget This Infamous Line
Image credit: Legion-Media

Probably the most famous fact about Jon Snow (played by Kit Harington), referenced in countless articles, related to him, is that he knows nothing.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow," was a line uttered by Jon's lover Ygritte in the George Martin 's books and in the Game of Thrones series, whenever she wanted to point out Jon's unfamiliarity with the ways of the Wildlings and the world in general, or to accuse him of naivety, or just to make a verbal jab at him when she was angry. Those words even were her last. No wonder that the phrase became memetic.

Kit Harington, however, wishes it to be forgotten.

"I always got really annoyed by the 'You know nothing Jon Snow.' I still get annoyed by it, because I don't know what it means!" he said in an interview with Metro. "It's like, what do you mean I know nothing? What does that mean? What are you talking about? It's such a terrible insult."

An interesting reaction, for sure. Perhaps if he had read some Internet discussion on his character, he might have realized that another reason why the meme stuck so well was many viewers believing Jon's most common expression in the series to be that of a man who knows nothing (as illustrated here).

Or given what Kit Harington added right afterwards in the same interview ("For some reason I've never got it, I don't want it. I don't know,") he actually might be in on the joke, aware of the criticism of his performance as Jon implied by the meme.

After all, when asked how he sees his work for the early seasons of Game of Thrones, the actor admitted,

"I think any actor would find this – going back and looking back at your early work is very painful. If I watch those early seasons of Thrones, especially the first season, I'm wincing."

Well, his acting skills certainly have improved by the late seasons, but as people say, you can make only one first impression. And similarly, you cannot just shrug off a meme which stuck to you. Jon Snow is going to still know nothing for the foreseeable future.