Gross, Ross: How Did Rachel's Lobster Get Away With What Normally Gets People Fired?

Will an argument like “it’s our first date” count as an excuse in a cringe situation?
There's almost nothing on '90s TV that compares to Friends in terms of... everything. The cast, the plot, all the cringeworthy things that 6 main characters did throughout the series. It's just brilliant!
Well, one of the main storylines of the show was the one with Ross and Rachel.
As we all remember, Rachel was Ross' love interest from high school and all he wanted was to get her attention. And when he finally did after many years, in season 2, he didn't want to mess it up.
So for their first date, he decided to take Rachel on a romantic journey to the stars. They went to a planetarium at the museum where he works. And it was so romantic that Rachel was finally ready to go all the way with Ross.
And apparently, they really got caught up in the moment, and the next morning they woke up in the Neanderthal exhibit behind the glass. With a group of children glaring at them with their eyes wide open.
And as strange as it may sound, nothing happens after that. No punishment from the higher authorities of the museum, not even a rebuke. Just nothing! Fans on Reddit after so many years still can’t figure it out.
They all agree that any person caught in such a situation would be fired, no questions asked. And probably arrested, who knows. But on the show, they just laugh it off and let it go.
Well, there were some fans who reminded the other half that it's just a show, and in a show like this, these kinds of situations happen all the time, and no one should be bothered or even compare it to real life.
“I feel like the answer to every question in this sub lately is "It's a sitcom, not real life". I don't remember anyone asking these questions in the 90s. Why is it such a hard concept now?” Redditor Petitcher wondered.
Well, maybe now is the time to give Ross some credit for being so creative on a first date? We're not pushing you to have sex in a public place, but romanticizing museums is not a bad idea.
Not to that extent, though. Not unless you're a main character in a sitcom, at least.