Heath Ledger's Joker Without Scars and Makeup Looks Even Creepier

A redditor GdaTyler has posted a deepfake clip of Heath Ledger from Christopher Nolan's 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight.
The face of Joker played by the Hollywood star, who died in 2008 as a result of an accidental overdose of medications, has no scars and makeup. So the Joker looks just like a real-life Heath Ledger. GdaTyler says the video clip is part of the project (still a secret) the redditor works on, which will most likely be released in November.
The clip received mixed reactions from the witty Reddit gang who either loved it or hated it. One of the users said that the video is impressive although they don't quite like it or that they "are not sure we need this."
Some said the way the deepfake Joker looked was "nothing short of Johnny Depp ". And the redditor has the point.
A huge chunk of the Reddit users agreed that Heath Ledger "looked better with the makeup." He also had some prosthetics on, which deformed parts of his face.
There are also those who found the deepfake Ledger without scars and makeup even scarier than the original Joker, admitting that for some reason this way the actor's Joker looks even creepier than in the actual movie.
Deepfake is a rapidly advancing technology. It is basically an AI generated video, image or audio based on machine learning that imitates the appearance and the voice of a person. It's widely used in all sorts of media. If you are a skilled deepfake expert, you can literally choose an actor you like to play the lead in your favorite movie. Isn't it the future we have long been waiting for?
Actually, there are dozens of examples of high-quality deepfake videos, which prove the technology's power and potential. Can you imagine Jim Carrey in a horror movie? If you can't, then take a look at the deepfake Carrey taking on the role of aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic Jack Torrance played by Jack Nicholson in the 1980 film The Shining. The actor's iconic exaggerated expressions look absolutely convincing. And scary.
Another good example is a fake or rather a deep fake Tom Cruise parody TikTok account. Video clips show Cruise doing a variety of things like washing his hands, golfing, playing the Rock Paper Scissors game with a stranger in the middle of the street and what not.