Here's The Reason You Wouldn't Want To Date Your Grey's Anatomy Crush

There are only 3 decent men in the whole of the series.
As great as Grey's Anatomy is, it is certainly not the show you turn on to gain more hope in humanity. The characters are realistic in the sense that none of them can be described as particularly good or bad people.
They're all dedicated medical professionals, good friends to those they care about, and trying to navigate life as hard as anyone else.
In no way does this excuse the terrible things they sometimes do, which can affect not only them but also their patients.
Just like in real life, all the characters are flawed in one way or another, so it makes sense that they make mistakes sometimes.
After 19 years of the show, fans have noticed a disturbing trend: everyone on the show cheats.
Cheating may not be in the top 5 worst things the characters on the show have done to each other, but in reality, none of them would stand a chance in a healthy relationship.
If you've ever dreamed of dating Derek Shepherd or finding your own Alex Karev, think twice, because they may have really let you down.
Analyzed by fans on Reddit, all of these male leads who were in the picture until season 9, as well as Mark Sloan, George O'Malley, Owen Hunt, and Richard Webber, turned out to be cheaters who cannot be trusted.
Fortunately, there are still a few Grey's Anatomy men you can turn to and not be afraid of having your trust broken.
Preston Burke, Jackson Avery and Ben Warren are the only ones who have proven to be trustworthy over the years.
And even that should be taken with a pinch of salt if you count having a strong emotional connection to someone other than your partner as cheating.
Luckily, all of these stories are fictional, so these cheating moments only create more drama for the show to be even more entertaining to watch.
If you're feeling nostalgic and want to remember what a mess the early seasons of Grey's Anatomy were, you can re-watch them on Hulu Plus, fuboTV, and Netflix.
Source: Reddit