Here's What it Would Take for a New Superman Movie to Make a Billion

Here's What it Would Take for a New Superman Movie to Make a Billion
Image credit: Legion-Media

Fans of the superhero genre have been speculating recently on whether a new Superman movie could gross $1 billion.

While there is no guarantee yet that we'll even see the prospective movie, it's an interesting point of discussion.

So, let's take a look at what some people have been saying.

On the one hand, there is a general agreement that the core necessities for any movie to reach those dizzy heights are:

  • Good writing
  • Good directing
  • Good acting

But history is littered with movies that achieved all three but got nowhere near a billion dollars. One that did, however, was Aquaman. And more than one fan has pointed out that this fact alone means Superman could easily achieve the same feat.

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Many agree, though, that for a Superman movie to gross $1 billion, it would take more than just good quality acting, writing, and directing. And they point to the fact that it would need to be "universally critically acclaimed" to have even the slightest chance. One even went as far as to say it would require "No Way Home style reviews".

And, some say, it must "not be up against any other big blockbuster". This is an interesting point as, in some cases, it is the competitive nature of competing films that helps fan the hype.

Others see a very different scenario. It's been claimed, for example, that nothing could be done to gross the figures we're talking about here because the genre is "oversaturated". Yet some don't see this as a drawback and actually argue that the popularity of the genre is such that any new Superman movie will break records simply because he is "THE superhero".

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Of course, one thing that may well be crucial in determining how successful a new Superman movie will be is the fact that this discussion is already taking place.

The truth is that the earliest we can expect one to hit our screens is 2026. That means that, not only will we have seen these types of conversations going on for over 2 years, but it will be at least 13 years since the last film.

So, with more than 2 years of hype and a whole new generation of fans no doubt getting on board, could we really see a Superman movie making $1 billion or more?

Maybe. But perhaps the last word, for now, should be with a user who, amid the many arguments for and against, simply wrote "Just make it good".

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