House of the Dragon Book-Accurate Ending Is Far Worse Than Game of Thrones

House of the Dragon Book-Accurate Ending Is Far Worse Than Game of Thrones
Image credit: HBO

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

While many House of the Dragon fans are now trying to stay away from social media for fear of accidentally stumbling upon a spoiler before the season two premiere, those who have already read George R.R. Martin's novel and know exactly how events will turn out are happy to discuss the details.

If you're not afraid of spoilers and can't wait to find out who will win the war and which characters won't live to see the victory, check out the book-accurate predictions of how the show will end the story.

Which Side Wins in House of the Dragon?

Not to disappoint the eager fans who are rooting for either Team Black or Team Green, but the war between the two branches of the family only leads to the loss of glory and power of the House Targaryen and slowly leads to the extinction of the dragons. This was already known by the position Daenerys ended up in at the beginning of Game of Thrones.

Both teams lose not only their leaders, as both Rhaenyra and Aegon meet their demise, but also many of their key members.

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Daemon and Aemond die fighting each other in a dragon battle, with Daemon jumping off Caraxes' back and stabbing Aemond in the eye. Rhaenys also dies in the battle on the back of a dragon. Rhaenyra's eldest sons Jacaerys and Joffrey also die in the battle, one actually fighting and the other trying to escape alive.

The Greens lose Sir Criston Cole, shot by archers, and Larys Strong and Otto Hightower, both beheaded by Cregan Stark and Rhaenyra's order. The death of Aegon's wife Helaena Targaryen is one of the most tragic, as she ends her own life. Only two characters in the book die of natural causes, Corlys Velaryon and Alicent Hightower.

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Rhaenyra Targaryen dies by being burned and eaten alive by Aegon's dragon while her youngest son is forced to watch. Aegon II, who turns out to be a terrible king, is finally poisoned. So, with all the lives lost in the civil war between the two branches of the family, how can the series end? Book fans already have an idea.

How Will House of the Dragon End?

Even though people are still guessing where the show will end the story, one of the most obvious choices will be to show the deaths of both Rhaenyra and Aegon II and then cut to the wedding of their children, Aegon III and Jaehaera Targaryen, showing the inevitable circle of life and leaving a bittersweet taste in the viewers' mouths.

The only problem is that with all the changes the show has already made and all the creative liberties it has taken, the finale, as well as half of these deaths, may look completely different. If you want to see where House of the Dragon Season 2 takes its characters, be sure to tune in to the premiere on June 16 on HBO.

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