TV House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon Gave Its Toughest Battle To The Least Likely Character

House of the Dragon Gave Its Toughest Battle To The Least Likely Character
Image credit: Legion-Media

We get it, life has been really hard on characters like Rhaenyra and Alicent, but there is someone we really need to talk about more.

House of the Dragon is not the kind of show where every character can live the life of their dreams. From the burdens of patriarchy to royal intrigue, every day on this show is a challenge; but while most of the characters deal with their problems as adults, one of them has been struggling since childhood.

We're talking about Rhaena Targaryen, the daughter of Daemon and Laena Velaryon. Seriously, the girl's life has been nothing but a struggle. First of all, her dragon egg didn't hatch, only for Aemond to then steal Vhagar, the dragon of her mother, right after her death.

But that didn't mean it was over for Rhaena. After all, she did get her fiancé, Lucerys Targaryen... right?

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Yes, only to have him killed by none other than her mother's dragon. Many fans think that Rhaena had the hardest time in the first season, and according to the books, that will hardly change for her when the Dance of the Dragons breaks out in season 2.

In addition, fans were robbed of Baela and Rhaena's screen time in the first season, leaving both girls practically without lines and even cutting the scene where Daemon comforts them after their mother's death.

"Unfortunately we have not seen Rhaena or Baela do anything but stand in the background. We have not seen any of their book stories. Who knows when the writers will remember that they exist," Redditor IvoryNitro complained.

But considering that Rhaena and her sister have been made to look so miserable without any special attention from the writers, who knows how horrible their struggles will be when Season 2 arrives?

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The House of the Dragon sequel starts filming in March, with the premiere date yet to be announced by HBO.